Fleet Driving Courses

It’s our business to keep get your business safely on the road!

Employers should make sure that all workers are fit and competent to operate all the vehicles they use at work, and in all the environments in which they use them. If you are responsible for recruiting drivers and operators, training drivers, hiring contractors or managing visiting drivers safely, then as a business, you have a duty of care to ensure your drivers are fit and competent to drive company vehicles.

LCD Driving Academy works in partnership with companies, organisations and individuals to develop tailored Road Safety, Fleet Driver Training & Company Driver Training Programmes and Refresher Training Courses.

Our courses demonstrate to clients that advanced driving techniques and a more responsible attitude to road safety, can lead to an enhanced public perception of a business. In addition, organisations will see a reduction in overall fleet fuel costs, vehicle incident rates, down time, insurance premiums and general maintenance costs.

LCD Driving Academy’s Fleet Driving Courses combine both theory and practical training. The theory aspect looks at the risks to individuals and offers coping strategies tailored to the organisation. The practical in-car assessments and training raise awareness of the individual driver to their responsibilities.

The Health and Safety Executive offers much more detailed information regarding your corporate responsibility for keeping staff (and other motorists) safe on the road. Click onto their site.

For further details about LDC Driving Academy’s Fleet Driving Course and Refresher Courses, email here, or telephone 028 777 62200 or 078 0319 7737.

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